
Ultimate Kobe Beef currently offered

June 24
The 12th Kobe Beef Female Cattle Show
Bred by Kazutaka Seto, Kobe Beef / 378kg
Grade A5, BMS No.8/34 months old
Lipit MUFA 69.7
Oleic acid: 61.6
Pedigree Maruharu Doi, Teruchu Doi, Kikutoshi Doi
Breeding Mitsuo Matsumoto, Hyogo, Japan
Individual identification number: 1530224348
Lipid that I wanted anyway.
Good flesh color. Small and ideal cow like old Tajima cow.
I got this cow because I was approached by a buyer.
For those who like Mukogawa’s live water quality and fresh, superbly textured fillets.
From Aug.
Bone-in and non-vacuum fillets
Only 2 to 3 cuts are available.
The loin will reach its peak of flavor from the end of August after 2 months, when the fatty nature of this producer’s feed evolves.
T-bone steak
(Chateaubriand portion
Fillet preferred)
Only 2-3 cuts will be available.

Maruse Chikusan, the highest grade of Kobe Beef
Non-vacuum aged fillet & T-bone steak grilled over Kishu-binchotan charcoal in a charcoal brick oven.
Baron is the only restaurant in the world that serves such crazy steaks.
You will be impressed by the meat of another dimension.
You can only taste this meat in Kobe, the home of Kobe beef.