
Kobe Beef Purchasing Commitment

It may sound obvious, but at Baron
 We place equal importance on aging (the way to stock), and grilling.
 First of all,  “Tajima Beef” is said to have the strictest regulations among all the brands of beef in Japan, and only cattle that have passed the requirements of excellent marbling and meat quality could be certified as “Kobe Beef”.
 Tajima cattle are bred from the prefectural owned Tajima bulls for many generations, and are either females or castrated cattle that have passed the strict yield, meat quality, grade, and other requirements to finally become “Tajima beef”.
Calves with Tajima cattle bloodlines bred by designated breeder in Hyogo Prefecture are first registered in the cattle registry and are fitted with a 10-digit “Individual Identification Number” ear tag. It is the breeding farmer who determines which pedigree will produce the better calves, and raises the calves in good health until they are about 9 months old.
 The calves are then purchased by the fattening farmers (designated producers) and raised in a healthy, stress-free environment with much love and care. The calves are fed with selected feed such as rice straw, corn, barley, clean water, and are kept at a minimum age of 28 months and average 32 months to reach the ideal quality of meat.
 Among these Tajima cattle, only heifers and castrated cattle with the following carcass grading are called “Kobe Beef”.
●BMS (Beef Marbling Scale) of No. 6 or higher
 ●Percentage of edible portion (yield grade) is A or B grade.
 ●Carcass weight of 499.9 kg or less
 ●Excellent meat texture and tightness
 ●Bred for 28months-60months in Hyogo prefecture
A weekly auction is held in Kobe.
 At baron, we go to the auction every week to check the quality and fat content of the carcass to ensure that we purchase the best Kobe beef.
Cannot really say Kobe beef is all the best meat.  Kobe beef can cost as little as 2,000 yen per kilogram, as much as 4,000 yen, or as much as 6,000 yen or 8,000 yen per kilogram.
 To put it extremely simply, some middlemen buy four cows for 2,000 yen each, while others want one cow for 8,000 yen.
 Tajima beef has the strictest standards among all Japanese cattle (brand name cattle) in Japan. Kobe Beef is definitely the top grade of Kobe Beef
 It is not cheap, but a story within a high standard, and when Japanese cattle from other prefectures are put in the auction, the bidding price becomes about half of the price. It is expensive enough.
 All of them are in demand, and they all have their own segregation, no one is to blame, and they all seem to be a group that wants everyone to enjoy Kobe beef.
 However, the number of extremely good Kobe beef is only about 1 or 2 out of every 100 head. There is an atmosphere of admiration for the middlemen who buy expensive meat.
 We think it is a good thing that the value of meat is going up. We also believe that it is important to be able to offer it to everyone as well.
 At baron, we go to the market with a mind  to ensure that we don’t run out of the best meat with our trusted butchers
 There is a demand for Kobe beef because it passed the , but once you learn to appreciate the taste and know the higher grade, there is a part of you that cannot go back,
 There is a part of us that cannot go back. The above-mentioned characteristics of Kobe beef by breeder, such as feed and water quality, are reflected in the taste of the meat, and many customers from the meat industry come to our restaurant. Since there is a connection among people in Kobe, we think it is important to keep the meat of a high grade.
Some restaurants may offer meat with hidden knives or seasonings for hard-to-use parts.
 Surprisingly, the parts of the meat that are most affected by the increase in auction prices are the parts used by steak restaurants.
 Wholesale prices for arms, ribs, and other cuts of meat are not affected as much as they are for other cuts of meat.
 When the price of a carcass goes up, the price of the main parts of the meat, such as sirloin, ribeye, filet, aitchbone, rump, and other high quality parts of the carcass, will be proportionally more expensive.
 The taste and quality of the meat varies greatly depending on whether it is the buttocks, chateaubriand, or head of the filet.
 At baron, you can decide what kind of Kobe beef to eat after you arrive, but this would be a very extravagant option.
 If you have a budget and we know what you like, the owner will choose from a wide range of meats according to your wishes.
 There is no intend of “we will be specially good to them  because they are a famous person,
 We want to serve the meat that suits each and every one of our customers, and we want to be able to communicate with them.
 If you visit us often, we would like to offer you a better proposal.
 We hope that everyone will take this time to enjoy the meat, and that those who understand the quality of the meat will bring their guests here to “eat here”.
 The environment changes day by day, and we are not sure how long we can continue to provide the best meat, but we think it is important to serve the best meat we can.
 We would be happy to consult with you on any request, whether leave it to us or ask us what you want.
The owner wants to share the ultimate quality of Kobe beef with each and every one of his customers, even those from overseas.